Monday, December 5, 2011

It's 20 Days 'Til Christmas!

The days are going by so fast. I have yet to buy presents. At least DH and I have put up the tree already and decorated the fireplace mantel. All that's lacking are the presents under the tree. Oh and stocking stuffers.

Tala is growing by leaps and bounds. Yesterday, she finally took to the bottle. I've been exclusively breastfeeding her for the last 4.5 months. For a month now, we've been slowly and unsuccessfully teaching her how to feed from the bottle and presto, she finally did it yesterday. Hopefully, I will have enough milk to express so she wouldn't have to drink a lot of formula.

Also, she's been rolling over a lot more these days. We don't have to coax her anymore. She gets so giddy looking at the world from a different angle. I remember how she would always want to be held and now, she's getting more independent. It's totally bittersweet. I miss my newborn baby. 

Here she is at four months looking so happy and healthy. What more could a mom want?

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