Saturday, April 9, 2011

My New Mantra

I have a confession to make. I've been coveting Alexander Wang's mini rocco duffle bag. I've been trying to justify buying it, but my better sense always prevails. I remind myself that I have a wee one I'm about to pop soon so baby stuff should come first. I'm sure many women have been under the same dilemma. Especially in this consumer-driven society of ours. It almost feels unfair, right? Why have this desire for a nice, albeit expensive bag and at the same time feel guilty about buying it? I guess it all depends on whether or not you can afford it. But beyond that, what I'm really concerned with is, after I succumb to my desire, what then? Will I stop at that? Or will I be slowly entrenched into a web of buying branded purses because I caved in and is now addicted to the high?

That's what I'm really worried about. I don't wanna be a slave over material things. I've always believed that experience is greater than material stuff. Instead of buying those expensive bags, I could just save up for more travel. There's so much to explore and discover in the world. Broadening my horizon is so much better than having an overpriced bag no matter what angle you look at it. It's a no-brainer.

So this is now my new mantra: experience is greater than material things. Repeat ad infinitum.

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