Wednesday, April 27, 2011

So Far So Good

I'm in my 29th week of pregnancy and I'm doing just fine. My blood sugar level is manageable. Tala is healthy and kicking like there's no tomorrow. In my last ultrasound, she weighed 2.8 lbs., not too big and not too small. We play music for her every night: classical and baby music. I still have to buy baby books, but sometimes I use an iphone app to read books to her. I can't wait until she's old enough so I can get her the Nancy Drew series. I really want to provide a good reading environment for her. DH and I were discussing that we won't let her watch TV at least in her first two years. This way, we'll have more time for reading and for playing outside.

The last two ultrasounds, she wouldn't let the nurse take a picture of her face. She just wouldn't turn her head. I guess she wants to surprise us. I wonder who she'd take after; me or DH. Will she be more asian looking or hispanic looking? I kinda wish she'd look more like DH though. hehehe. I don't know why. I just find it cute to have a baby girl that looks like my husband. One thing for sure, she will have big beautiful eyes like mom and dad. Unless she'd take after my brother and sister who could pass for Korean or Chinese. Okay, enough fantasizing. The important thing is that she's healthy. That's every parents' wish for their baby.

We still have to buy baby stuff. What we have right now is a crib with an attached changing table. DH's boss gave us his son's old mattress and my sister-in-law is lending us her baby's bassinet. Considering how expensive baby things can be, I'm glad we're getting free stuff. I hope we'd get more before Tala comes. I've been searching the internet for basic baby stuff and reading parents' comments about what to buy and NOT to buy. So far it's been enlightening. I'm in the process of making a shortlist of baby essentials.

There are days when it still feels surreal that there's a baby growing inside of me. I can't believe that I'll be seeing her in July. I'm not ready yet! I'm both terribly excited and scared. Will I be a good mom? How can I teach her the ways of the world when I'm still a little lost myself? Uh oh. Time to stop. I don't wanna get philosophical. I just wanna shout to the whole world how happy and grateful I am to be given this chance to be a mother.

It's been a very wonderful experience; this pregnancy with all the nausea, heartburn and whatnot. In less than three months, Tala will be in my arms!!!

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