Saturday, February 26, 2011

One Gloomy Afternoon

It's been gloomy these past few days in our part of the world here in Temple, Texas. This, however, did not stop DH and me from going to Lion's Park to walk/bike/picnic. I was not brave enough to go biking myself so I just took a long walk while DH went biking to exercise his legs. He had knee surgery a month ago and was advised by his physical therapist to ride a bicycle.

It's less than a month before it's officially springtime. I can't wait to see leaves growing on trees. Thank God it's not freezing anymore. I'm happy being able to venture again outside without fearing the cold.

This is the part that I loved the most about our afternoon. Just being able to read leisurely. Not thinking about anything; savoring the printed words in front of me. I used to devour books like there's no tomorrow. Now, I'm lucky if I get to finish a book in a month. I'm definitely going to create a home environment that is conducive to reading for our Tala. I hope she grows up loving books like I do.

DH being silly. We just brought whatever we can grab from the fridge.

We have four months before our world turns upside down by Tala's arrival. So we're taking advantage of whatever little pockets of freedom and relaxation we can get before that day comes.

So there goes our Saturday. Simple, fancy-free, but nevertheless enjoyable. I'm thankful for days like these. It's nice to wind down every once in a while to appreciate the world around us.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend!


  1. you're back!

    i didn't enjoy my weekend ninang ruby, exam week ni rj this week :D

  2. that's my boy! it's ok rj coz studies should always come first. so proud of you and your mom. i know you're excelling in school!
